Tag Archives: kuluttaminen

THB 100,000 flies can be wrong


Week 13

Motion: THB 100,000 flies cannot be wrong
Role: MP (opp.)

Consumption and consumers are often viewed as the “invisible hand” of Adam Smith fame of economical theory. The idea is that masses always choose fit solutions for themselves, as they are smarter together in a mass. But, is it really like that or is it rather so that stupidity concentrates in a thicker crowd of people? I am going to focus on three cases of masses being behind a bad service provider or solution. You can then decide for yourselves what this means in practice.

Gmail as an E-mail Service
At some point Gmail became the world’s favourite e-mail-server, much like Google, its parent, became the world’s favourite search engine. I was never one to trust Gmail, as I had secured a Hotmail address for myself at the turn of the millennium. At one point I got to know Gmail, as it was the internal e-mail-server of a workplace I worked for for half a year. I soon discovered Gmail’s forte: it did not separate multiple answers as different e-mails but compiled all of them into a single thread. It was economical in a way the first e-mail inboxes hadn’t been.

Alas, Hotmail developed while Gmail was left treading water in other ways than that one way. Little by little, my sweet Hotmail has gone from a humble e-mail client to a sleek machine that can easily sort out the most bedeviling mixture of ads, bills, correspondence, matter-of-fact e-mails, receipts, spam and subscribed newsletters. It works equally well on a tablet as a desktop, while Gmail is a mess. Gmail’s inbox may contain e-mails dating back a few years, even if I knew that I had deleted or sorted them out in the past. It feels as if Alphabet Inc. was trying to turn everyone as disorganised as those people who never learn to delete mail or sort it into different subfolders, keeping everything in Inbox. As if a film director or producer who has his whole film as piles of paper on his desk, waiting to be finished, knowing where every document is and what means what. Outlook (est. as HM) is a clear victor in this respect, as it allows to keep organised.

Pizza Restaurant East Side Downtown
There is a pizzeria right in the middle of the city where I studied. I did not frequent that pizzeria back in those days, but other people do and did. It begins to gather a line or queue from the early morning through noon into the afternoon and evening. You can hardly get a seat there let alone a table. It is highly profitable, and the pizza chefs do not see a moment of rest. I cannot imagine how they cope with being forced to bake pizza hour in and hour out. “If you cannot stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen” and so on, but still.

For all that, it was revealed some time ago that the pizzeria does not bake its own dough. Pizza foundations arrive frozen and prefabricated from a food factory somewhere in Southern Finland. So, the glorified task of the baker is to just take a frozen foundation, sprinkle all kinds of toppings ordered all over it, push it into the oven, take it out and serve it as an “Italian delicacy”. The whole place is a kind of fraud. The pizza salad they serve with the pizza is delicious, but I wonder if even that is real or just styrofoam soaked in vinegar. In addition, you cannot share personal secrets at the pizzeria, as it is so crowded and full-seated. Inter nos. For now, I have set a moratorium on going there.

Tablets vs. Mobile Phones
What unites mobile phones and tablets is that the latter tend to be magnified versions of the former without telephonic qualities. All the same, I could not use a mobile phone while I can use a tablet. Everything is facile on a tablet. I can work my way around banking, blogging, e-mail, game that I play, government’s services, reading newspapers and tuning in to my streaming service of choice. It is just intuitive and nice. In contrast, mobile phones are a mess, at least when it comes to Android. I cannot manage any of that on a mobile phone. I could not travel around the world with a mobile phone to save my life. Still, the vast majority of the world’s population seem to thrive on that pesky little rectangle just alright.

What all of this boils down to is that there is no reason why you should follow the masses wherever they might be going. They can be misguided and wrong. They may choose alternatives that are popular but not right – for you, at least. Consumeristically and technologically speaking, there are always people who swim upstream and you could be one of them. You may choose an Atari ST over a Commodore Amiga. You may choose a Range Rover over an SUV. And you have your reasons, pragmatics being chief among them. Whatever you choose, be proud, and remember that 100,000 flies can be wrong.

Perustelu(t)/puolustelu(t)Aiheeni on ajatuksia herättävä kannanotto vastuullisen kuluttamisen puolesta. Annan konkreettisia esimerkkejä, joiden takia minun kannattaa olla 3. puhuja puolellani. Puoleni ajaa käsitystä ihmisestä omien valintojensa herrana ja vastuunkantajana. 

THW extend “dieting” to encompass all intake for a person


Week 43

Food goes in through the mouth and throat, and other stuff goes in and down via other routes in the body.

Date: 23 Oct 2021
Motion: THW extend “dieting” to encompass all intake for a person
Role: Member (gov.)

In recent years, dieting has been at least as popular and time-consuming as, say, during the 80’s, when aerobic lessons by Jane Fonda and dieting per Weightwatchers were the normative norm for normies. Today, dieting revolves around other, new buzzwords. Ketogenic, Mediterranean, no-carb or zero-sugar regimens have replaced earlier conventional diets. However, I believe that losing weight for real is much more at a premium than reading or writing about it. If one is not ambitious nor successful, the “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow” might still be a pot belly.

What is good about all the fuss is that it gives us an incentive to broaden the scope and usage to other things. What if, we began to restrict our intake to harmful things other than food as well? The need for control of one’s surroundings grows bigger with each passing year, so I see that restricting one’s intake in [m]any area[s] is a business of the future, and it will have an impact on advertising, housing, marketing and travelling. In the next, I go through some of the areas that are in need of military discipline.

I do not frequent libraries anymore, even if I did in my youth. I’ve noticed that libraries mostly contain books that are by authors who need to write one each passing year, for their fans expect one from them, or for keeping their niche in the publishing business. It has come to resemble a guinea pig wheel or treadmill, to all the quarters concerned: authors, buyers, fans, librarians, publishers and readers. Even book fairs are set up every year, bar corona, as if they were a cattle market. My own choices in literature have long been such that I can buy them for the asking price, slapped with a VAT, at antiquariats, bookstores or online from overseas. I read authors whose books have been real labours of love or whose life and literary quality perhaps only ever produced one book. Then, silence.

Newspapers and Periodicals
Depending on the person, many cannot read anymore news and commentaries on them in the present ink press we have. A steep decline, in terms of quality and quantity, is reality at many publishing houses. They battle this devaluation with all sorts of aggressive online and telemarketing, campaigns, fire sales and promotional bundles. I would see it useful if newspapers reaffiliated themselves with political parties again, as they did in the past. That way, people would not have to second-guess the leaning of their paper, even though they kind of know even now. Besides, the papers should stop buying syndicated news. It does not help a conservative paper, if it buys the same news as the liberal paper and reports on it in the same tone. It’s “same s–t in a different story.” Opposition parties should have their own sources, deep throats in the field and conclusions about what it all means. They should poll their own NPOs and think tanks. This would broaden the field of media from its present mind-dumbing & mind-numbing conformity. And the same for periodicals, please, period.

I’ve noticed that too many people think they can make a podcast today. When I was a teen, a “radio voice” was thought what an aural-sonic person needed. Today that precondition has been scrapped. People with croaking, irritating, nauseating and raspy voices make podcasts. They don’t do research for their shows but fill them with their prejudice. They do not invite unlike-minded people to their shows but their best pal, a card-carrying member of the same clique. They jump from theme to theme. They cannot speak for half an hour or one full hour about the topic they promised their show would be about. Etc. etc. One should be extra careful about what one listens to through one’s speakers offline and online. The “fattening” shows are usually the ones that are the most touted on the front page of the podcast platform.

We have long had a situation where basic digital cable or terrestrial gives you only so much of quality entertainment. Summers are a dire season, as TV is driven on reruns of the past season’s “greatest hits (and misses)”. Sometimes not even autumns do provide any relief, when the umpteenth season of Big Brother <insert your country> begins. Much better shows have been canceled much earlier. Therefore, people should own their TV intake. They should broaden their channels to include movie channels, pay-TV and satellite-TV. They should not rely on what is free and on the table anymore. Increasingly, that stuff is dug up from the bargain bin. Only in paying can they feel that they are not being fed cattle fodder but individualised, tailor-made documentaries and entertainment.

As you can see, a lot more than food can make you grow fat tissue around your inner organs. It’s all the other stuff that one consumes, besides food. As with food, some of the stuff is fiber-rich, protein-rich quality stuff, whereas some is industrial empty calories and some is downright harmful and toxic. Some is inebriating (as alcohol is) and some is nutrient-free. A weather forecast can be thought of as the food equivalent to mineral or tap water. But, even too much of that has been proven to be hyponatremic and, therefore, toxic. So, Choose life. Choose what you consume.

Perustelu(t)/puolustelu(t): Joku voisi kysyä, miksi kuvittelen puheenvuoroni sisältävän uutta ainesta, kun se esitetään melkein lopussa. Lasken tilanteen niin, että kukin puhuu itselleen tärkeistä aiheista, eikä välttämättä suurista linjoista. Siksi otaksun, että edelläni olevat ovat käsitelleet esim. sitä, miten meidän pitäisi kodeissamme ympäröidä itsemme vain laadukkaalla designilla, kauniilla käyttöesineillä ja huonekaluilla tai siitä, miten elokuvien ikärajasuositukset ja elokuvatarkastamo suojaavat pienimpiä pahimmalta videotarjonnalta. On hyvin mahdollista, että minulle jää vielä tällainen yleisempi, “seniorimpi osasto” käsiteltäväksi. Jos kuitenkin joku ottaa nämä aiheet esiin jo aiemmin, käytän puolestani edellä mainittuja aiheita.