Tag Archives: seuranhakupalvelut

THS young men who cannot find their place in society


Week 9

Women get 1st prizes all the time.

Motion: THR young men who cannot find their place in society
Role: Member (opp.)

It is not hard to find articles online or printed about how young men have lost their way and how they are a “burden” or a “threat” to society. Sometimes it gets ridiculous, when even 5-to-9-year-old pupils in school are seen as a “challenge” in some way, even though we know that children are unruly and have historically always been. I am here addressing the explicit tone of today’s discourse on men and young men and how it is challenging to listen to or read about with a straight face. I am also giving insights into how we ended up like this and what we can do about it.

Employers Hire Average Females for Jobs That Literally Anyone Can Do
First of all, men are mistreated in the job market. Here’s the deal: high performers and winners regardless of who they are can usually choose their perks, salary and workplace. They are the ones whose jobs other people cannot do, such as coders, consultants, designers, developers, entrepreneurs, innovators, lawyers etc. They jointly take so much of a common “cake” that only scraps are left to those who have a lesser skillset. When people are being considered for a job that requires a nil skillset such as answering the phone at a company’s telephone exchange, women today get those jobs, not men.

The reason why women get nil skillset jobs is that they are favoured by both men and women that have already been hired to the workplace. To men, women are a nice accessory, nice to look at, something that brightens the day, as women spend some of their salary and wages on clothes, for starters. To women, other women are a reassurance that the workplace is not a macho place and the more women there exist the fewer become chances there for sexual harassment without testimonials. So, both the bosses and H&R conspire to hire mostly just lowly-educated women at any given workplace. At the same time, men get screwed when it comes to jobs with a nil-skillset requirement, as there are also men with null skills in society. Non omnia possumus omnes.

Purported Mental Illness Is Just an Excuse for Avoidance of “Unemployable” Status
When men who are not educated in the right way to meet society’s needs are faced with this reality, they embark upon their own coping mechanisms. They start faking mental illness. They claim they have a bipolar disorder, depression or mania or something else to be able to qualify for a pension without a requirement to work. It would suit them just fine as the amount of money is bigger than your regular unemployment checks. The reason is that it is meant to cover the medications as well, which can be expensive. So, the men think that they will just fake a mental illness, leave those meds unbought and pocket the difference. They won’t get a cushy life, but it is probably the best one available.

The reason why I do not believe in the idea that mental disturbances are on the rise is that disorders of the psychotic kind seem to be almost non-existent. In the past, psychosis was much rifer than it is today, thanks to, for instance wars waged, and a reason why mental asylums were built in the first place. They were built to isolate dangerous lunatics from regular people. A reminder of this past is still tangible in the way people are rejected for care when they seek it based on something else than a psychosis. Such cannot be faked, it is always real. So, if people were honestly as crazy as they claim to be, there would be a much wider spectrum of disease ranging from anorexia to trichotillomania, complete with out-of-control behaviours; yet, most people just hide behind a diagnosis of “controlled depression”.

Young Men Should Remove Themselves From Dating Apps and Stop Donating to Semen Banks
Because the system is duplicitous, rigged and treacherous, young men should do things right now, not wasting any more precious time. And here are my words of advice to them. 1) Remove yourselves from dating apps, each and every one, even the good ones. Making them enclaves for women only will send a message. Women will certainly tire of only seeing female faces there. Furthermore, 2) stop giving donations to women who want to get pregnant. It does not serve any purpose whatsoever to you. You are givers, they are takers. If there were no semen donations to those banks, women would soon tire of them and ditch their memberships and payments. The existing samples would curdle over time. There is no disadvantage. You will not lose anything you have not already lost. You may gain some pride – in yourselves. There is a proviso: it’s OK to accept women, if and when they attempt to get your attention, companionship and semen in the old-school way.

I know that my advice is not waterproof. Women could compensate. They would turn their noses overseas, turning to foreign men of sundry nationalities for companionship, courtship, love, marriage and semen. But your big spanner 🔧 in the works would make it harder on them. They could no longer get everything lying on their ar**s. They would need to bust those ar**s. Not any woman could do it. Meanwhile, you could plot your way back in to the bosom of society. Never feel ashamed of yourselves — if you are young men.

Perustelu(t)/puolustelu(t): Rabiaatti puheeni on parhaimmillaan viimeisenä uutta ainesta sisältävänä puheena eli II tiimin aloittajana. Koska ohjeistukseni on sen verran haihattelevaa, pilvilinnamaista ja sideharsonohutta, ei haittaa, vaikka en esitä sitä liiderinä, koska sitä ei kuitenkaan tulla ottamaan tosissaan. Se tarjoaa väittelylle siitä huolimatta todella dramaattisen lopetuksen, joka jää kummittelemaan kuulijoiden mieliin.