Tag Archives: sukupuolten sota

THP men who are (in best-case scenarios) saner than women and should therefore be kept in power


Week 21

Femmes are often fatales.

Motion: THP women who are saner than men and should therefore be thrust to power
Role: MP (opp.)

There is no shortage of news about crazy or reprehensible things that men have been up to during the last quarter or so. Or, to be more honest, often crime and felony stories revolve around actual, old deeds that have taken their course through the justice system and surface months and years later in trials. So, if we are completely honest, news on men and crime are old news, but they usually nevertheless deal in stuff that men have committed during the ongoing decade or past few years. The umbilical cord to the crime has already been cut, but the “baby” is still “alive and well”.

Evil That Men Do
The exact nature of men’s criminality is open to debate, but often men are guilty of clearly selfish crimes. What they do seems to be of benefit to themselves and them only. Sometimes they have a monetary motive, such as in the case where a managing director at a trust-fund NPO embezzled about 300K off the accounts of the organisation and spent the money (partially) at a karaoke bar! Sometimes they act driven by an animal instinct, such as a young man who killed a four-year old child, sired by another man, as the new partner of the young mother. He was acting as if a lion male, who are known according to biologists and etologists to kill the cubs of a lioness, have they been sired by another maned male. Or, this is the charitable view.

Men can also be unselfish in their criminality. Family men, who embezzle, scheme and steal, do so for the sake of their families, so that they could have what they need in life. This was the case of a drug squad chief, who acted on both sides of the fence, as if he was Sonny Crockett of Miami Vice fame, trying to earn more in drug money than what he was entitled to otherwise. For all that, what separates men from women is that men have 50 % of their essence in the Y chromosome, and this is the Big difference. So, the question goes, could the key to men’s criminality reside in the pesky and Small Y chromosome?

What About Chromosome “X”?
It is possible that men are driven to crime because of something that resides in chromosome Y, but then again, many men do not commit a single crime during their lives. The vast majority score probably a speeding ticket, mostly because the surveillance is so tight and car meters unreliable, but there are cases of men who do not fall to even that. So, there is no clear link between Y and crime. It’s the genes that lurk in Y that determine whether a man would commit crimes or not. If he does not have crime-liable genes in his DNA, it could well be that he will be clean as a whistle, such as the heroes of certain action films and romantic comedies.

Therefore, the focus should be placed on that other chromosome, X. Men have only one X. If there is something “wrong” with X, then men have just one dose of that wrongness, whereas women potentially have a double dose of that same thing. Here the by-laws of genetics come into play. Two recessive genes cause a challenge in a human being, if they are harmful. If women have 2 recessive harmful genes, they will develop the ill. If men have only one recessive harmful gene (in X), they would be spared the ill. So, this leads us to the devastating conclusion that women may be actually worse (off) than men in certain aspects, if they get harmful genes from both of their parents. As women have a double X, they are crazier than men, as men have only one chromosome X, if and when craziness resides in the chromosome X. The Y chromosome, a far cry from a villain, is as a matter of fact a protector, when it comes to certain harmful things.

Why This Matters in the End
So, men should develop a newfound pride in themselves as the carriers of the protecting Y chromosome. It seems to protect them against certain criminal and medical things that women exclusively or mainly suffer from, such as anemia, anorexia, anxiety, binge trash-TV watching, bulimia, depression, endometriosis, insulin-killer nursing felonies, leaving babies on church steps or in dumpsters, multiple sclerosis, narcissism and yeast infection. It seems that women have it worse as shitful things are often caused by recessive genes and women get a double dose of them each time they are born. But, the attacks do not stop there. The latest development is that is has been said that the Y chromosome would wither away eventually, leaving men with just one X chromosome.

A closer inspection reveals that Y is fading away at a very tardy pace. Ultimately, it will disappear, but this won’t happen by a long shot tomorrow, but rather in the unforeseeable future, in tandem with the burning out of the Sun. So, it shall take its time, until men are left without their guardian angel, Y. It seems that men do not have to care about their genetic future any more than women have to care about the course of feminism in 20,000 years of time. So, summarywise, men should enjoy life and whatever power they have, but enjoy both of them responsibly, with an eye on the next day, week, month, year and decade.

Perustelu(t)/puolustelu(t)Sukupuolten sodassa kaikki keinot ovat luvallisia, joten nyt mennään genetiikan kautta kohti “voittoa” (erävoittoa). Puheessani haluan tuoda esiin uuden näkökulman, geneettisen tai lääketieteellisen, joten siksi toimin parhaiten 3. puhujana eli II tiimin 1. puhujana. Koska aihe on laaja, I tiimi keksii asiasta kyllä omaakin sanottavaansa. Ja muistettakoon, että sukupuolten sodassakin sen osanottajat menevät illan päätteeksi yleensä kotiin, jossa heitä odottaa vastakkaisen sukupuolen edustaja rakkaus silmissään.

THB one can’t say anything of a risque nature to women anymore


Week 19

Flirting or piropo is not prohibited yet.

Motion: THB one can’t say anything of a risque nature to women anymore
Role: MP (opp.)

We have seen how the conversational climate around men and women have narrowed. Men feel that they cannot say anything of a risque nature to women anymore. That is a complete misunderstanding, mostly spread by low-self-esteem males and/or LGBT+ and straight, ordinary women. Men do it out of ignorance and low self-esteem; women do it out of grudge and self-defence as their motives. Not only can a male joke about carnality between men and women to women; he can also try to scrounge it from them. (The proper verb in Finnish is vongata (‘scrounge carnal activities’), while I do not now what its proper colloquial or vernacular equivalent in English is.)

Alpha Males Are the Ones Women Scrounge From
Women are not innocent themselves. They also have their own carnal agenda and they execute it with power and precision. When women approach men, they approach the alpha male. In man-o-sphere parlance, Alpha males are either Chads or Brads. They are the good-looking males to which women flock and whom they propose something naughty, if their characters and upbringing allow them to do that in the first place. The female approach is subtler than the male approach. A woman may unbutton the top clasp of her shirt to signal a willingness to “it”. A male would say something. All the same, not every woman will get a Brad or a Chad, because they are in short supply. This means that the lesser males would still have to talk (dirty) to women to get what they want, as some of women end up as GFs and wives to other men than Brads and Chads. A lesser male needs to navigate this part or seal this deal on his own devices, as if sine cortice natare.

What this means to men of average looks and means in this world is that if and when they have to be active in their dealings with women, they should still pay attention to making it as ethical and straightforward as possible. It is NOT oKaY to approach women in any brutal, clumsy, impolite and rude way. Men are right in their drive to talk (dirty) to women, but the devil is in the details, so details need to be paid attention to.

IRL, Not in Digital, Estranging Ways
Men are supposed to approach women in real life, as an authentic, genuine person and not as some cringy avatar out in cyberspace. Catfishers use the digital realm, as they are a bit cowardly. Men are not supposed to send women dick pics or some other type of digital harassment, because it makes no sense. It is supposed to make the women horny, but where is the male to assuage that horniness. Nowhere. Idle chat revolving around the bed or what one likes to do in one is also pointless. When push came to shove, few of these males would dare to take on the woman on her terms, on real terms in the real world.

It is also recommendable that men think about ways to offer the woman something apart from and beyond the obvious (their dick). The relationship dance between men and women is complicated, and it usually is based on the fact that women bring to the table their beauty, elegance and grace and men bring something else. For all that, the males have to bring SOMETHING. It is often some capital that they have, be it of any nature. In this sense, a relationship between a man and a woman is like a potluck party.

If we think about celebrities, and in this context, celebrity males or male celebrities, their celebrity is the capital that they bring to the table. That is the most obvious barter that there is between a man and a woman, and it needs no further explanation as to why they engage in it, respectively, and what either one of them stands to gain from a brief or long union. At any rate, with ordinary men, the most ordinary of the ordinary, the same principle holds true. They have to offer up something that the woman finds of value. When this happens, women do not accuse men of an abuse of their privileges or harassment, because it may be that these men do NOT HAVE any privileges, or the “harassment” is absolutely necessary for the man and the woman to have that trade-off in the first place.

Why Not Be at the Right Place at the Right Time
As a comical relief, I may still offer up a further angle to approach the plight of men vs. women. Sometimes a man LITERALLY does not have to say anything to get what (s)he wants. Let us imagine that a nubile, young woman is at a metal rock festival. She has set her goals at getting laid that night, at whatever cost. Let’s say she is unsuccessful at the festival but at the train station later on, she will find a male who looks cute, harmless and virile, she grabs hold of him and announces to her friends: “Look, what I’ve found!” (without knowing the male deeper than that). Then the male kisses her as an act of affirmation, to which she responds. And their journey continues. So, it is possible for a male to elude accusations of abuse and harassment in just being at the right place at the right time – and let the girl/woman take care of the harassment.

Perustelu(t)/puolustelu(t)Miesten vapautusrintamassa on tärkeää tietää, että kaikki se pintakuohu, mitä lehtiin kirjataan, on vain pintakuohua ja kätkee alleen monimutkaisen merkitysverkon, mikä vallitsee miesten ja naisten välillä. Siihen verkkoon osalliset voivat osallistua täysivaltaisina jäseninä tähän keskusteluun tai väittelyyn, mikä saa tuntemaan huonoa omaatuntoa niiden puolesta, joilla ei ole tarpeeksi kokemusta asiasta. Onneksi lehtiäkin lukemalla voi oppia jotakin.

THS young men who cannot find their place in society


Week 9

Women get 1st prizes all the time.

Motion: THR young men who cannot find their place in society
Role: Member (opp.)

It is not hard to find articles online or printed about how young men have lost their way and how they are a “burden” or a “threat” to society. Sometimes it gets ridiculous, when even 5-to-9-year-old pupils in school are seen as a “challenge” in some way, even though we know that children are unruly and have historically always been. I am here addressing the explicit tone of today’s discourse on men and young men and how it is challenging to listen to or read about with a straight face. I am also giving insights into how we ended up like this and what we can do about it.

Employers Hire Average Females for Jobs That Literally Anyone Can Do
First of all, men are mistreated in the job market. Here’s the deal: high performers and winners regardless of who they are can usually choose their perks, salary and workplace. They are the ones whose jobs other people cannot do, such as coders, consultants, designers, developers, entrepreneurs, innovators, lawyers etc. They jointly take so much of a common “cake” that only scraps are left to those who have a lesser skillset. When people are being considered for a job that requires a nil skillset such as answering the phone at a company’s telephone exchange, women today get those jobs, not men.

The reason why women get nil skillset jobs is that they are favoured by both men and women that have already been hired to the workplace. To men, women are a nice accessory, nice to look at, something that brightens the day, as women spend some of their salary and wages on clothes, for starters. To women, other women are a reassurance that the workplace is not a macho place and the more women there exist the fewer become chances there for sexual harassment without testimonials. So, both the bosses and H&R conspire to hire mostly just lowly-educated women at any given workplace. At the same time, men get screwed when it comes to jobs with a nil-skillset requirement, as there are also men with null skills in society. Non omnia possumus omnes.

Purported Mental Illness Is Just an Excuse for Avoidance of “Unemployable” Status
When men who are not educated in the right way to meet society’s needs are faced with this reality, they embark upon their own coping mechanisms. They start faking mental illness. They claim they have a bipolar disorder, depression or mania or something else to be able to qualify for a pension without a requirement to work. It would suit them just fine as the amount of money is bigger than your regular unemployment checks. The reason is that it is meant to cover the medications as well, which can be expensive. So, the men think that they will just fake a mental illness, leave those meds unbought and pocket the difference. They won’t get a cushy life, but it is probably the best one available.

The reason why I do not believe in the idea that mental disturbances are on the rise is that disorders of the psychotic kind seem to be almost non-existent. In the past, psychosis was much rifer than it is today, thanks to, for instance wars waged, and a reason why mental asylums were built in the first place. They were built to isolate dangerous lunatics from regular people. A reminder of this past is still tangible in the way people are rejected for care when they seek it based on something else than a psychosis. Such cannot be faked, it is always real. So, if people were honestly as crazy as they claim to be, there would be a much wider spectrum of disease ranging from anorexia to trichotillomania, complete with out-of-control behaviours; yet, most people just hide behind a diagnosis of “controlled depression”.

Young Men Should Remove Themselves From Dating Apps and Stop Donating to Semen Banks
Because the system is duplicitous, rigged and treacherous, young men should do things right now, not wasting any more precious time. And here are my words of advice to them. 1) Remove yourselves from dating apps, each and every one, even the good ones. Making them enclaves for women only will send a message. Women will certainly tire of only seeing female faces there. Furthermore, 2) stop giving donations to women who want to get pregnant. It does not serve any purpose whatsoever to you. You are givers, they are takers. If there were no semen donations to those banks, women would soon tire of them and ditch their memberships and payments. The existing samples would curdle over time. There is no disadvantage. You will not lose anything you have not already lost. You may gain some pride – in yourselves. There is a proviso: it’s OK to accept women, if and when they attempt to get your attention, companionship and semen in the old-school way.

I know that my advice is not waterproof. Women could compensate. They would turn their noses overseas, turning to foreign men of sundry nationalities for companionship, courtship, love, marriage and semen. But your big spanner 🔧 in the works would make it harder on them. They could no longer get everything lying on their ar**s. They would need to bust those ar**s. Not any woman could do it. Meanwhile, you could plot your way back in to the bosom of society. Never feel ashamed of yourselves — if you are young men.

Perustelu(t)/puolustelu(t)Rabiaatti puheeni on parhaimmillaan viimeisenä uutta ainesta sisältävänä puheena eli II tiimin aloittajana. Koska ohjeistukseni on sen verran haihattelevaa, pilvilinnamaista ja sideharsonohutta, ei haittaa, vaikka en esitä sitä liiderinä, koska sitä ei kuitenkaan tulla ottamaan tosissaan. Se tarjoaa väittelylle siitä huolimatta todella dramaattisen lopetuksen, joka jää kummittelemaan kuulijoiden mieliin.

THR female womansplainers besides male mansplainers



Week 43

Motion: THR female womansplainers besides male mansplainers
Role: Member (gov.)

When the term mansplainer was introduced maybe a little less than 10 years ago (doing a check: it was in the aughts), I was at first a little offended by it, but I little by little began to realise there are indeed mansplainers who usually sermonise to one woman or a group of them about some given thing or technicality. Lately, though, I have arrived at the conclusion that there are womansplainers, too. We are singularly blind to them, because they work in… journalism and mass communication. They write to the masses rather than speak to a few people; there’s the difference.

Often, There Are No <<Chevrons>>
What I am aiming at is a specific type of newspaper or periodical non-feature-length article or column, where some woman is voicing opinions as if advice to people on some health, social, or societal issue, mini-issue or micro-issue. Women are guilty of exactly the same thing as the men they badmouth: they do not know what they are talking about, in the way we think about an expert, guru or pundit. The title or topic can be something like, “Going to the gynaecologist is too expensive” (no shit), “How do I speak about body dysmorphia or couple relationship to a child?”, “I found a cure for my insomnia” or “It is better to be alone and single”. As to more general lay opinions, in the Aughts and Onesies, in particular two topics for a column were rescripted over and over: how mobile technology is amazing and has changed everything and how people should sometimes just be and let go of their scheduled responsibilities. Both in their own right seem a bit naff from today’s more knowledgeable perspective and are too obvious. Many were written by women.

It would be nice if we had a Ph.D. on hand each time we needed someone competent to talk or write to a general audience about something, but that is a tall order, as lower academic degrees are the norm, and there is no need to inflate the value of a doctoral degree. Nor is every doctor competent to explain whatever related, but at least (s)he’d know the terms and a lot of trivia. An ordinate requirement for someone to write about some complex or sensitive issue to the masses could be a B.A. or B.Sc. from a faculty that deals with what she writes of. Another type of acceptable merit would be an association or organisation background as a perennial volunteer.

Women Disregard the Subjectivity
Typically, the woman writer posits that everyone needs to have knowledge or an opinion on what she writes about. And her one woman’s personal experience “is” instantly applicable and universal. What is forgotten is that there are countless issues and topics about which people do not need to know or opine. A person can be blissfully ignorant of certain amorous, behavioral, pathological, psychological, sexual, social, societal and somatic issues as long as (s)he contributes to society through his or her job and work and is happy and healthy. In highly identical or subjective matters, we may have an absent opinion.

Moreover, often we need to do the brainwork and math on our own devices to arrive at a conclusion that is right just for us – we cannot take that opinion from someone else. Choosing a political party or wing to vote for oneself is one example of such a choice or option. It would be wrong to adopt a writer’s subjective agenda hook, line and sinker, because she would have arrived at it from her one-off background, education and growth history.

While Not Everyone Is Objectively the Same
What these well-meaning writing femmes posit is that her recipient is alike the sender. The sender writes from an atheistic or agnostic, social liberal, urban viewpoint and has a scant concern for any other way of life. The same phenomenon occurs when people in big cities observe the reality there and think that everywhere it is the same as there, when in reality their reality is just the tip of an iceberg. Big cities have big concentrations of services and that’s why people in them behave in a certain way, but elsewhere services are thinner on the ground, with the resulting changes in behaviour.

The challenge here is that one must distinguish between femsplainers and mansplainers and how they differ from an average man and woman. Not everything a woman writes or a man says is automatically (wo)mansplaining. A lot of discourse is blameless. Explanations may be dynamic and interesting, even if they have qualities of a monologue. The Context of “Matronage” is the determiner: if a woman is preaching to the general public in writing or a man to a person or a group of people in speaking and there is a smug sense of nonsense or non sequitur all over it, then it would be a case of womansplaining and mansplaining, respectively.

Perustelu(t)/puolustelu(t). Kaikilla on tästä aiheesta jotain omaa sanottavaa, puolin ja toisin, ja keskustelun kokonaisanti olisikin siinä, miten laajasti aihetta voidaan käsitellä.

THS awareness, as long as it arrives with freedom of choice


Week 30

The intersectional, classless, genderless, raceless person of the 21st century at the edge of eternity.

Motion: THS awareness, as long as it arrives with freedom of choice
Role: PM (gov.)

This summer, there was a piece in the local newspaper of the Åland Islands (Finnish maritime exclave), in which a group of people in a letter-to-the-editor claimed (freely repeated) that “What children are supposed to learn about gender is ridiculous” and “it makes no sense.” The islands are politically maybe more left-leaning than to the right, considering their long-standing demilitarisation, i.e. being without army, barracks, garrisons or guns. When people say that something “makes no sense” they often mean in slightly worse diction that that something ‘is unconscionable’. They’re just coy enough to appeal to one’s reason rather than sense of proportion, even though these two are connected. A few years earlier, after the present world order of an expanding BHIT+ universe along with the ubiquity of Benetton faces in commercials had started sometime in the Onesies, I might have stated ditto, but I have by now, in the 2020’s, come to understand what the New actually means.

I have not read any books on the subject or partaken in any consciousness-raising courses at a college. This has not been clarified to me on the pages of a liberal magazine. I have not discussed these changes with confidantes, who would have enlightened me on how things are today. It just dawned on me one day what all the “fuss” was about, even though it’s presented in public in a roundabout way, in different words and paraphrase, not making the beeline.

”There Are No Classes”
In today’s ultraliberal thinking, class should not really exist. One could say, “wealth is unequally distributed on Earth, but deep down we are the same”. Let’s say a house, luxury car, profitable store and stock in Fortune 500 companies were given to 20 people from all economical backgrounds, that is, classes. Along the line of this thinking, most of them would be capable of looking after that fortune, liquidate some of it if they ran out of means and take care of what they owned, because all classes understand money and its foundations and can make at large judicious and sensible economical decisions, just given a fair chance. As asset managers and consumers, we might be kindred, whereas as wealth inheritors and wealth makers we are on an unequal footing.

”There Are No Genders”
In today’s ultraliberal thinking, demi-, semi- and sexes proper should not really exist. One could say, “the features of masculinity and feminity, manliness and womanliness, are unequally distributed on Earth, but deep down we are the same”. Proponents could argue how easy it is to adopt the likeness of the opposite sex, or something in between or start popping hormone pills that alter a person. One could go further and say that a penis is just a vagina but in a different direction, or vice versa. Men who develop “manboobs” also point to the fluidity of the gender borderline. And women can develop muscles to overpower men.

”There Are No Races”
In today’s ultraliberal thinking, races should not really exist. One could say, “skin pigment is unequally distributed on Earth, but deep down we are the same”. The thought is liberating. What if we were not divided into black, olive, red, white, yellow and so on? The challenge lies in the fact that skin tone is just one, primary part of the equation, whereas races carry also different secondary and tertiary features that we don’t have to go into. What the more liberal thinking boils down to is: we are not the human race, we are the human species, homo sapiens sapiens.

In other words, in each of these cases the duality or hierarchy that used to be locked into two or a few positions characterising each human being would be replaced with a fluidity, a homogeneity or a slider. The buzzword intersectionality seems to be a sheer synonym for inclusivity, especially if two or three of the above intersect. We are all supposed to be “one and the same” as long as we have a fully grown, sane and sound human body, but certain key qualities just exist in us in greater quantities from person to person.

So, I would class myself as a person who understands what is meant by inclusivity of this sort, defined as it is by aforementioned examples of dehierarchification. A four-leaf clover 🍀 can be constructed out of this:
a) people who comprehend inclusivity and endorse it, b) people who don’t comprehend inclusivity but endorse it, c) people who comprehend inclusivity but don’t endorse it and d) people who don’t comprehend inclusivity and don’t endorse it. I have jumped from leaf d to c and time’ll tell if I take the leap up to a. Couldn’t possibly be b.

Perustelu(t) & puolustelu(t)Pohjalla on havainto, jonka olen itse tehnyt ja joka mielestäni sopii jaettavaksi ja ensimmäisen puheenvuoron anniksi. Siitä on hyvä jatkaa. Haasteeksi jää lähinnä opposition asema. Mitä he tarkalleen ottaen tulevat vastustamaan?  

THS the Male Gaze


Week 15

Motion: THR the Male Gaze
Role: Leader (opp.)

Lately, men have been taking a lot of flak in the media for their semi-active essence, which is somewhere in a cramped space between being sinful and committing sins. There is an “unholy” trinity: women dislike manspread, which means the way in which men are seated with their legs wide apart. In men’s defence, we could say that the scrotum hates being squeezed. Then, there is mansplaining, which means the patronising way in which men explain general, simple or trivial things to laywomen, some of whom are experts at what they do. The most resented and sinful, however, is the male gaze, which means an assessing, objectifying, possessing gaze that refuses to acknowledge the “otherness” in its own right in what he or it sees.

The male gaze seems to exist anywhere or everywhere, if one looks for it. It is in architecture, ballet, literature, movies, paintings, theatre and video games. A good example might be illustrators; for instance, Bob de Moor, Hergé, Rosse and other proponents of the ligne claire draughtsmanship school, who draw anything professionally in a modernist vein. Male gazers in the different fields of art tend to have one-dimensional female role models and multi-dimensional male role models, even if exceptions do exist.

Hate the Male Gaze, Hate the Lesbian Gaze Too
For all that, the male gaze is not unique in the way it sees the world. The main inspiration for the male gaze is, of course, its muse, the female of the species. Male desire manifests itself in how it looks at women and portrays what follows thereafter, often so that it is a wish-fulfillment of some male fantasy. The object of a lesbian desire is the same as that of male desire: a woman. Therefore, it would not be too far removed to claim that the lesbian gaze is a variant of the male gaze. If you object to the male gaze, you also object to the lesbian gaze.

Love the Female Gaze, Love the Gay Gaze Too
Likewise, if the opposite of the male gaze is the female gaze, women are not the only people who fetishise men. Gay men have that function and capacity in them, too. Like women, they sometimes settle for less-than-satisfying encounters with the objects of their affection, to have a carnal self to begin with. Or, they may view it differently and claim that life is just fumbling in the dark without any promise of anything. Men would not feel the same way, but yet gay gaze is a variant of the female gaze. If you praise the female gaze, you also praise the gay gaze.

The Female Gaze Loves the “Awkward”
One may also ask, “What exactly is the female gaze”, and “How does it differ from the male gaze?”. One clue may be provided by the CD covers of some women musicians. It is not uncommon to see some detail of a body lightly clad, such as feet in stockings in a close-up. My interpretation is that some women musicians somehow celebrate the awkward and their gaze seeks out moments of awkwardness in themselves and other people. People “revealed” in this way seem to have a special quality of somehow appearing neither dominant or submissive. They just are. Maybe that is that ‘otherness’. That is, awkwardness equals otherness.

Something that has cropped up lately is deliberate images of victimisation on CD covers. I believe it began with the black male artist Weeknd showing his bloody mouth. Then it went on to white female Charli XCX crawling on a car hood bleeding from the forehead. And it went on and on. A dozen artists have thereafter had such a photo taken of themselves, obviously a rigged and set-up one, to show themselves in a “compromised” light, less than par, worth less than adulation. This could be a further development of what the “female gaze” can produce when it is given a carte blanche. I am not saying that I am insulted by such images, but to see their point may require too much time from an average art and entertainment consumer.

What the debate on the male vs. the female gaze boils down to is that the male gaze seems to exist to give us something to chew upon, something instantly gratifying and a requirement for linear storytelling. The female gaze gives something else. This dichotomy could signal the difference between mainstream vs. marginal or commercial vs. independent. Even if you objected to the “male gaze”, you could not say that it did not have its fair uses, or that its opposite was omnipotent.

Perustelu(t)/puolustelu(t). On niin, että minun on syytä olla paikallani ensimmäisenä, jotta keskustelu lähtee oikeille jengoille. Puolellani voidaan alkaa irrotella myöhemmin, jos tahtoa tai tarvetta on, muun aineksen puutoksessa erilaisten näkötapojen kanssa, joita ovat mm. infrapuna- ja uv-näkö.

THW have some tolerance for harassment among political parties


Week 30

“Naiseni kanssa eduskuntatalon puistossa…,” or ‘With my woman in the park of the house of the Parliament.’

Date: 20 Jul 2022
Motion: THW have zero tolerance for harassment among political parties
Role: Deputy (opp.)

This summer, a case was brought against a relatively young Coalition-party male politician in his thirties, an MP of a politically time-honoured pedigree, for harassment within his own party. According to the whistleblowers, he had repeatedly seeked out the company of female minors among his own and wined them seemingly hoping for some more intimate dealings. While he had been “unpleasant”, he had refrained from downright criminal actions. First of all, it’s unusual that dirty laundry is being washed in public within a party. It would have been likelier that two parties had been involved. All the same, a new kind of confrontational feminism has become overt.

Cases like his crop up in politics every now and then. Some people may remember the case of Rep. Weiner (Dem.) in the US, where he was charged with similar wrongdoings, somewhere between negligible and massive. The problem is that when it comes to sex, it should be kept under the wraps between consenting adults AT ALL TIMES; otherwise, things are blown out of proportion. In the next, I’ll use another, a theoretical, entirely separate example to illustrate why male defendants are usually at a disadvantage.

Wanting an Image…
Let us assume that an attractive female (high heels, long hair, makeup, pencil skirt) or just a semi-attractive one comes in contact with a male politician who has a bad self-esteem and no regular partner or spouse, only some half-forgotten sexual encounters in the past. Now, this woman asks for a “dick pic” from this man, in her own words, “to make me want you even more….” Subsequently, he takes the pic and sends it to her.

Woman’s Many Options
When the woman in question receives the image, she has several avenues. She can use it in the way she said she would. She can show it to her colleagues to have a giggle. She can show it to the press for them to have a grinning giggle. She can accuse the man of harassment. She can say that the man is a pervert and should be stripped of all of his titles and positions and jobs. And all because they had a fleeting moment of “intimacy”, “passion” and “trust”. Those things in themselves are no crime against anyone.

Why This Is Wrong
The problem is that there is a double standard. Women have sexual capital, and they know it. Also, they tend to leave all initiatives for men to take, so that they can seize upon them in their intended way – when they feel like that – and use them against the initiators, when they are cold or cool to the proposer, but in need of a leg up careerwise, professionally. In both instances, they win. It’s a win–win for them. Men, on the contrary, can very seldom use such tactics.

Permissiveness is here to stay; it should be clear to us by now. Why, it broke the surface in the sixties, established pornography as an industry in the seventies, survived HIV in the eighties getting a boost from the booming market, and produced centerfolds ongoingly in the nineties. As late as 2002, Rolling Stone asked, “Is this the dirtiest year ever?”, which was a reference to how music videos, song lyrics and the industry was baring more skin than ever. Yet, somehow still, a religious woke puritanism runs through the public discourse, in 2022, as if we had not been allowed to be impacted by any of that.

Women can protect themselves in this day and age. If a male politician harasses women, the worst that should happen to him is that women messaged and phoned each other around him and warned each other of his she-nanigans. It is not right to go much further than that if the man goes no further than that. Wanting some reciprocated love is not a casus belli.

Perustelu(t)/puolustelu(t): Vaikka tikun nokassa olisi kuka tahansa henkilö, asiassa on kyse laajemmasta nais- ja miesasialiikkeiden kädenväännöstä, joka sopii hyvin aloitteeksi. Tyhjennän argumenttien pajatson mielestäni puheellani siltä osin, kuin parini ei ole jo tehnyt niin – mutta jälkeeni esiintyvällä on mahdollisuus puhua mm. politiikassa esiintyvistä, eripuolueisista pariskunnista ja eduskunnan pikkujouluista.